InnoBlock Technology Ltd.

AM730: TT Chain有跡可尋 食得落肚區塊鏈牛肉 - InnoBlock Technology Ltd.

InnoBlock Technology Ltd.

AM730: TT Chain有跡可尋 食得落肚區塊鏈牛肉

近年大眾對食物安全意識漸趨提高,不少食品包裝標榜「有機」、「純天然」、「無激素」等字眼,甚至提供網站列明品質認證。只是香港人求知慾強,奉行「有圖有真相」,拒絕「你講我就信」。最近本地創科InnoBlock便利用自家TT Chain區塊鏈加密技術,為加拿大進口牛肉變成「區塊鏈牛肉」。

TT有『Track and Trace』追溯的意思,我們跟加拿大農業技術公司TrustBIX合作,平台覆蓋超過2,000萬隻加拿大農場牛隻數據,由出世開始記錄,如出世日期和地點、性別、重量、飼養模式、有否用激素或抗生素,甚至屠宰時間、運輸、出入口證書,以至抵港後分銷商、加工、包裝等資料,全部均採用TT Chain記錄,最終入口商就會選取所需資訊,消費者只需掃描相關QR code便可知悉。


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About Us

InnoBlock is a leading software company providing innovative and reliable solutions to businesses of all sizes. With our team of experienced professionals, we offer a wide range of software products and services that optimize our customers’ operation and their sustainability goals. The four main domains we focus on are carbon credit trade, carbon management & reporting, supply chain management and cybersecurity.  


Hong Kong Headquarter

Cambodia Representative Office